KRYIAROCK is a project by the Sanpapié company and the Fondazione Ravasi Garzanti, as scientific partner, which will take place between 2024 and 2025 in several sessions of open workshops, addressed to citizens, and artistic residencies, leading to the creation of a performance for the review La grande età at the Franco Parenti theatre in Milan. KRYIAROCK is first and foremost a research project, an invitation to meet, talk, explore and question ourselves on how time flows in women’s lives, how the different ages of life are always in close connection with each other, between assonances and distances, how our deepest feelings are always a value to be rediscovered and renewed: ageing and longevity as an unavoidable horizon of the human being, a portrait of the society of the present and a necessary vision of the future.

The growth and ageing process in women differs enormously from that in men, calling into question peculiar issues related to biology, aesthetics, roles, social, emotional, relational and political functions. Women’s bodies, in the entirety of their process of existence, need more attention and analysis in order to be known, understood, represented and celebrated in a historical moment that still brings to light dangerous gaps and distorted visions. The feminine, therefore, as a transforming and generative element capable of triggering and acting constant changes that overcome commonplaces, false myths and dusty definitions. KRIYA, from Sanskrit ‘capitulation – spiritual emergency’: the point at which from the fragments of something the new is reconstructed, assembling the existing in new forms and sequences without denying the essentiality of each part. ROCK, like the impetus behind the project: an invitation and a call for a space of freedom, creativity, rebellion and experimentation, where we can confront, show, renew and exchange, one with the other, starting from different points in life.

Following the summer residential workshop at the Festival delle Colline Geotermiche di Pomarance held in July 2024, from October we will be offering a free weekly dance-theatre workshop of 10 meetings at the MAGNETE spaces in Milan, aimed at women of all ages, backgrounds or previous experience. We will work on dance and movement as tools for communication, creation and play: the body is a common territory to which everyone has free access for expression, it is the map on which our history is written and at the same time the unknown place that asks to be rediscovered every day. The workshops will be addressed to women of all ages and backgrounds in the desire to build mixed and heterogeneous groups where diversity is the main creative generator based on exchange, confrontation and plurality: an authentic female chorus that escapes definitions and separations to sketch a complex, rich and adherent portrait of the society in which we live.